August Mechanics Updates

Howdy Drylanders!

The team has been working on the mechanics of our playspace, and we’ve got some updates to share with you on what to expect to see in the next game.  We’ll also do a refresher of current mechanics you can encounter as you mosy through Oasis, for those who may not have acquainted themselves with our little bit of the Wasteland.

I’ll start off with our new stuff, as many of you already know how it’s worked so far, and also because you don’t need to know the current mechanics to understand these.



You have spent time and effort building out areas of Oasis.  You will now get to explore new collections of soft RP rooms that represent the areas that you’ve tended to, called DISTRICTS. There are DISTRICT ZOMS that apply to each of the soft RP rooms within that DISTRICT.

Some Mod spaces will occur inside various DISTRICTS.  This means that the Mods can be affected by the current DISTRICT ZOMS in place for that DISTRICT.


[SEEING RED] is a DR:NM custom threat, with no inherent mechanical effect. It can be affected by ZoMs, Cards, and at ST direction. Roleplay surrounding this threat involves literally seeing red, increased aggression, and the hearing of voices. This threat is able to be removed at any time after the start of game through a ZoM.  



The Barrows Mining Coalition is the founding financial faction of Oasis, and they issue BARROWS COUPONS. This currency is so prevalent that all the factions in Oasis use them, and they count as favors or money. BARROWS COUPONS are online currency, and only valid at DR:NM.


These ZoMs have effects that apply to the entire settlement and affect all players. They can grant access to new abilities and grant access to skill usage that may not normally be active.


Persistent ZoMs in Oasis are identified as INFRASTRUCTURE, and are tagged as such. They provide benefits to Oasis as a whole and require SUPPLY to maintain these benefits. 5 BARROWS COUPONS can be converted to 1 SUPPLY, and different INFRASTRUCTURE ZoMs may require different SUPPLY amounts to be maintained. SUPPLY persists through events.


These are non-consumable local plot items that stay in your LIT. They’ll show up there as Local Plot Item - Card “Card Name”. There will usually be new cards coming available each meet, and we’re working on creating a listing of CARDS to go on the website for easy reference (promise!)


Here at DR:NM, we use a couple of custom threats. Those are:

[Injured]: -1 to Combat and Wasteland rolls

[Exhausted]: -1 to Civilized and Anomaly rolls

These threats are stackable, received from ZoMs or Mods, and can be recovered by 1 hour of Soft RP or through other in-game means.

That’s all we have for this month, thanks for joining us for this Mechanics Update! If you have questions, let us know via


Triada 3: Lost and Found


Faction Focus: B.M.C.