The Drylands are a vast prairie of desert frontier. Along with Oasis, other settlements and factions live and work to survive.
Los Perdidos is a necropolis turned metroplex functional of the semi-apocalyptic events surrounding the fall of Paradiso and the destruction of the Drylands morgue system. Every single person that didn’t perish in the Upheaval, came out of the same morgue. That population, with nowhere to flee, staked their claim and began to build right there.
Now, Los Perdidos is connected by Oxline (railway) to many major settlements and trucks in the small wares churned out by the newly constructed factories and their workers, who are mostly gorgers whose wages are garnished with exotic meats on holy days.
The city operates, at the surface level, as an elected republic. However, anyone who lives and works in Los Perdidos would tell you it is instead the The Capulin-Montana-Collective, a dynastic family of Digitarians, are the puppeteers behind the city’s brutal politics and policies.
The Trinity Territories include a Darwin settlement that has formed recently around a black and ancient obelisk. Originally a site of pilgrimage for those that worship or study the Glow, this Holy Site has become its own identity. Various delves beneath the Leaden Monolith have produced quantities of trinitie; radioactive glass that the Darwin settlers use in their crafting and weaponry.
Largely and recently isolationists, Trinity’s Chosen formally-known-as the Fall-Out-Kids, trade the precious vitrified glass that is their naturally-occurring resource in exchange for goods to build out their young settlement.
No one is yet sure why the Chosen of Trinity have settled in the radioactive waste-zone that was once the preclude to The Fall. But at night, strange lights dance above the primordial complex where the Darwins make worship, and whispers of a coming cataclysm encourage locals to truck and trade in trinite, in hope of sparing themselves from what looms on the horizon.