When you attend a Dystopia Rising event you are both your character, a wasteland-dwelling Survivor in every sense of the word - and yourself, whoever you are. Players of Dystopia Rising come from a variety of backgrounds, beliefs, and creeds. Gender bias, racism, persecution, or inappropriate behavior have no space in the community of players who participate in our events.
During a given weekend, you and your character will meet dozens of new faces - and how you interact with those personalities must be rooted fundamentally in goodwill and radical trust. The character you play may have a problem with a particular strain, which creates a compelling narrative parallel to racism - but under no circumstances may our characters, or the players who portray them, participate in real-world bigotry that affects real people every day. The wastes are a harsh place, with room for injustice in the stories we want to tell in them. But in order to participate in hard stories, we must first be good and tolerant of the differences among us as players. To that end, it is the policy of Dystopia Rising: New Mexico to refuse service to anyone who participates in bigotry towards their fellow player, or towards minorities at large.