Local Strains and Variants

Common Strains - Any player may create a character of the following strains without prior approval. You may choose to submit a background for these characters, but it is optional. At the request of the Storyteller Senate, please review suggestions in the Dystopia Rising Player’s guide for garb and makeup. New player guides and/or immersion techs are available to discuss, but not required. Check our discord for community help! You are considered local to the surrounding area of Oasis. Vegasians and Yorkers, for example, are local. Not from Old York or Vegasia. Their family might have been at one point, but you are here now.

Townie | Vegasians, Yorker

Background Ties Suggestion: Drylands  Locals

Mutant | Tainted, Retrograde

Background Ties Suggestion: Trinity’s Chosen

Landsman | Merican, Quiet Folk

Background Ties Suggestion: NM Locals

Nomad | Diesel Jock, Rover

Background Ties Suggestion: Mother’s Keepers

Devoted |Red Star

Background Ties Suggestions: MKers

Evolved | Irons

Background Ties Suggestions: BMC or MKers

Gorger | Lascarian

Background Ties Suggestion: Flashbacks

Setting Specific Strains - The following strains are able to be played once the player has submitted an action request. We highly encourage tying characters of these strains to the suggested local faction or lore to receive enhanced role-play opportunities and setting information, though they are not required to be currently affiliated with that faction in play.

If you are already in play with a character of one of these strains then you are welcome to also opt-in to a backstory involving these factions over the break, but it is not required. New player guides and/or immersion techs are available to discuss, but not required. Check our discord for community help!

    • Baywalker Local Variant (Bootstrappers) Baywalkers in Oasis almost universally work for the Barrows Mining Company and so players of Baywalker LCs are encouraged to form background ties (positive or negative) with that Financial Institution. Bootstrapper Baywalkers are, in terms of geographic origin, from the inlets and gulfs punched into the map of the greater southwestern corner of the wastes. They have a tattoo or patch on their clothing displayed prominently in their fraternity with the BMC.

    • Remnant Local Variant (Quiltworks) Remnants in the area are oftentimes some of the most clever and resourceful of the lot, bless them. The Quiltworks was an orphanage developed to help wayward youth not become an offering to the Rattlebones or a lost memory in the sands. In an effort to ensure that all remnants had a home if they needed one, they are united in their disharmony and oftentimes unknown status. Remnants coming into play have survived due to the workhouse and orphanage known as the Quiltworks. Only they know the location, it is rumored to relocate often to avoid vandalism and larceny. They are known for having salvaged toys, stuffed comfort items, or patches of a needle and thread on their persons.

      Background/Costume Approval Required.

  • Local Variant (Dawnchasers) A collective of artists and creatives secluded themselves into the gulch and cliff walls to avoid the brunt of the sun’s most deadly rays, building elaborate stairways and ladders that criss-cross the treacherous, usually unreachable heights of the natural rock formations. Skilled in the craftsmanship of jewelry, inks, pigments, and textiles-- it is no wonder the Dawnchasers are responsible for the re-imagined uses of the giant inflation devices powered by fire left behind in cave drawings and etched in the rock surfaces. They typically are in colors of the sunset or sunrise -- purples, blues, reds, pinks, and turquoise. Fearless, bold, and brash -- they document and track the weather, and movement of celestial bodies, and document it for all. Practical and determined, these Dawnchasers are known for doing what works and what is necessary to get the job done.

    • Saltwise Local Variant (Hagfish) The aquifer under Oasis has indigenous inhabitants. The people of this subaquatic cavetown deal frequently with the citizens of the Overcity. Hagfish players are encouraged to have ties with the Rattlebones faction and must wear cheesecloth over their eyes, as the local evolutionary trait of this clan is that they are sun-blind.

    • Unborn Local Variant (Barogian Royalty) The Dune Sea is full of ancient horrors and derelict ruins. One of which is the recently discovered Barogue. Its morgue, which has not been used for probably hundreds of years, has recently started spitting out the warped citizens of that long-dead city. Some of these imprints are ancient denizens of a fallen world, with cloudy memories of what came before.

    • (All Accensorites) Restricted Strain. Background/Costume Approval Needed. Action request needed.

    • Unstable Local Variant (Ignis) They have a symbiotic relationship with the Los Perdidos Oligarchy. Their psionics help power the Oligarchy’s secrets and plans. It’s all very hush-hush. The Capulin-Montana-Collective takes care of its own.

    • Rare strain, nonlocal (The Forefathers) Reclaimers are nonnative to the lower half of the Greater Wastes typically. The Forefathers moved as far south as they possibly could stand it when the Frozen Wastes became too inhospitable, even for them. The current few generations of Reclaimers in the Oasis locale have their arms sunbaked, resembling that of petrified tree bark and wood. Please avoid referencing Canada or making Canadian-related jokes or accents when portraying a Reclaimer. These current Reclaimers were born in this desert and this is their home. They know their roots were transplanted and as such work hard to be members of the community.

    • Local Variant Solestros (De La Garza) The De la Garza Solestros family is known for its deep-water fishing trips and big game hunting. It is not unusual for the De la Garzas to have animal pelts of their prey of choice on their person.

    • Local Variant Pureblood (The Palace Family) The Palace pureblood dynasty draws its bloodlines from a claim to the Palace of Governors, as passed down via deed and word. These folks tend to be quite focused on the finery of life and can be associated with artisanal goods, food, and traditions. They are not opposed to doing their own crafting if it means that the precision is perfected properly. The Palaces are recommended to have some sort of relationship with the Capulin-Montana-Collective OR the Barrows Mining Company. Depending on what side of the family, if one is married-in or not, tends to influence the financial focus.

    • Local Variant Digitarian (Los Perdidos Oligarch) The Necropolis metroplex of the Drylands ruling class is not Full Dead or Retrograde, but a dynastic family of Mafioso Digitarians. Players of Digitarians are encouraged to have some kind of relationship with The Capulin-Montana-Collective.

    • Local Variant Full Dead (Los Perdidos Lepers) The Full Dead of the area move slowly and think deeply, having survived this long. Their garb consists of wispy, wrapped pieces of clothing that allow for ease of movement with tired old bones. It is not unusual to see sunken eyes and intensely wrinkled skin. Sunbaked over the years, these lepers or mummies resemble jerky more than a fresh or bloated corpse. It is strongly suggested that players plan to be associated with the Rattlebags.

    • Local Variant Semper Mort (Supports) The Semper Morts of Oasis typically associate with Flashbacks of the Undercity. It is not unheard of for folks to deviate but definitely raises some eyebrows. Affectionately called Supports by each other to dull the edge of the reality that they were pulled from life-support for some reason and crawled surface level to the present day.

Some backstory and costuming are required to help telegraph certain aspects of our setting and culture. 
Background/Costume Approval Needed: Baywalker, Natural One, Saltwise, Red Star, Unstable, Solestros, Pureblood, Digitarian, Full Dead, Semper Mort, Lascarian, Reclaimer
Mutation Approval Needed: Accensorite, Remnant